For the A to Z blogging challenge I’ve decided to blog about the 1940′s. And in the spirit of the 1940′s, at the end of the month, I’ll be giving away an ebook copy of one of my favorite books, Summer at Tiffany, to one of my newsletter subscribers (sign-up on the sidebar if you are so inclined.) It’s a light-hearted memoir of two college girls let loose in New York City for a summer. What a hoot.

World War II was an expensive war. (More than $4 trillion in today’s dollars.) To help pay for it, American citizens were encouraged to buy war bonds. For $18.75 you could buy a $25 bond payable in ten years. At school, kids could buy 25 cent stamps at at time for their booklets.

Many celebrities got in on the action, raising the visibility of war bond drives. Here are some videos of various celebrities like Judy Garland, Lucille Ball, Greer Carson, Mickey Rooney, Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and Frank Sinatra:

Judy Garland: This is a short clip, made longer through slow motion; with addition of Judy singing.

Celebrities driving by in parade:

Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra: This clip starts off silent, but joking and singing ensue: