XTaking a quick poll here. I’m working on bookmarks for my SWAG (Stuff We Always Get) to give out at book signings in June. I wanted to create something with a little more value than a regular bookmark, so talented and creative friend Heather over at Tatting Connection designed a tatted bookmark for me. I’ll put the instructions on the back of the bookmark. (There is a tie-in with my novel.)

Here are three sample bookmark fronts in various states of readiness. They will all have the book cover and tatting instructions on the back. One includes the book branding on the front as well, but the others are simply plain. I can jazz them up a bit more–I simply ran out of time for “X” day in the A to Z challenge.

Which one would you rather have? (Couldn’t figure out how to use the poll software, so please leave A-B-C comment instead.) Thanks for your feedback!


Cinderella's Dress bookmark 1


tatted bookmark by tatting connection with dusk


tatted bookmark by tatting connection