In Tatters is a community forum for people who tat lace. You can find how-to’s, free patterns, and ask for help all in one handy place. Tatters really are a friendly bunch.

UPDATE: They have moved. If you click on the intatters link below, you’ll  see this message:

InTatters is now closed while we move to

Follow InTatters on Twitter or just visit the InTatters Twitter page to find out when it’ll be back online and exactly what’s happening –

Here is the link to beginner information that you can access without becoming a member:

Of course, if you join, you get the full benefit of the group…as long as you remember your password! I have forgotten mine and have sent in a request for a new one. Sometimes it takes awhile to hear back. So, if you are trying to contact me through the forums, please use my contact link here on my website. I’ll be back in the forums, soon, I hope!