Ever wonder if a roadside attraction is worth the money? Well, the Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch near Picacho Peak, just off Interstate 10 between Phoenix and Tucson is. It’s absolutely crazy. Just how do you fish for ostrich? With grapefruit halves, of course!
Yummy grapefruit. Come and get it!
Notice the eyes when they eat.
They explain on the tour what is happening, but I forgot….
let’s speculate in the comments section:
I had never heard of ostrich fishing. I am convinced, really very convinced that more people haven’t ever heard of it. Interesting to read though, and… they like grape fruit??? Now really…
I thought it would be a rare topic 😉
I will never look at fishing the same way again. 🙂
It’s great fun. Put it on your bucket list.
Well, that’s a bit different!
LOL, Donna you crack me up.