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I learn so many interesting things while I’m researching fairy tales and history! Listen to this:
Fashion often plays a role in all my historical novels. Mentioning a specific hat or style of dress helps pinpoint the era I’m writing in. This week, my mermaid research led me to a blog describing how the Victoria and Albert museum packs and transports their traveling wedding exhibit. It caught my eye especially as I’ve been watching the TV series Victoria and drooling over the fashion. The mermaid novel I’m working on isn’t set in the Victorian era (clue #1), but there is a reason my Google search led me to this particular blog. (clue #2)
However, nothing in the Victoria and Albert museum blog post will make it into the current novel I’m writing. It ended up being another one of those rabbit trails that may one day get picked up in another novel. Still interesting to read: Going Away Outfits
Fairy Tale
Do you recognize the tale from the quotes? I’ll give you a hint…this one involves a wedding. Scroll down for the answer.
There was once on a time an old fox with nine tails, who believed that his wife was not faithful to him, and wished to try her. He stretched himself out under the bench, did not move a limb, and behaved as if he were stone dead.
When it became known that the old fox was dead, wooers presented themselves.
“A wooer he stands at the door out there.”
“Tell me what he is like, my dear? But has he nine as beautiful tails as the late Mr. Fox?”
“Oh, no,” answered the cat, “he has only one.”
“Then I will not have him.”
Something Fun
My three Cinderella novels are combined into an ebook box set, but most people prefer to buy them individually, even though it costs more to buy one at a time. I’ve played around with different covers to try to give it more attention. This is the latest, currently on Kindle to test out a “live-action” type cover. What do you think? Old cover or new (links to Amazon)?
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Answer to fairy tale quotes: The Wedding of Mrs. Fox. Did you guess correctly?