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I learn so many interesting things while I’m researching fairy tales and history! Listen to this:
Is there a fashion you’d like to see make a comeback? During this pandemic, we’ve been watching lots of old TV shows. Have you noticed how often the women in the 60s would put on gloves before they went anywhere? (Aunt Bea on the Andy Griffith Show. Samantha’s aunts on Bewitched.)
The only time I’ve worn gloves like that was at my wedding…and I snipped the hands off the long gloves so that my new husband could put that sparkly ring on my finger!
Recently, I came across a blog called “A Hundred Years Ago” where a granddaughter posted her grandmother’s diary on the exact day one hundred years later (from 2011-2014). Fun, right? Here is what seventeen-year-old Helena Muffly wrote in her diary:
Tuesday, July 10, 1912: Went to Milton this morning to have my teeth filled, and was so fortunate as to only have three cavities. Also did some shopping besides. Got a pair of white silk gloves.
Helena’s granddaughter then includes pictures of 1912 Dresses that were Worn with Gloves. Even the comments are interesting as people talk about their memories of matching hats, gloves, and shoes.
Well, with this pandemic, maybe dressy gloves will make a comeback. I’ve been waiting to give my teen daughter her grandmother’s gloves from the 60s and it seems like the time is right for her next birthday (If you know her, shh! Don’t tell.)
Fairy Tale Quotes
Can you guess which fairy tale these quotes come from? I’ll give you a hint: the title contains the name of a boy and a girl. Scroll down for the answer.
There was once an old castle in the midst of a large and thick forest, and in it an old woman who was a witch dwelt all alone. In the day-time she changed herself into a cat or a screech-owl, but in the evening she took her proper shape again as a human being.
They were still in the days of betrothal, and their greatest happiness was being together. One day in order that they might be able to talk together in quiet they went for a walk in the forest.
He walked in through the courtyard, and listened for the sound of the birds. At last he heard it. He went on and found the room from whence it came, and there the witch was feeding the birds in the seven thousand cages.
Something Fun
Speaking of gloves, this summer when we took a trip to visit elderly family, my daughter and I decided to try out wearing gloves when navigating the airport. We found the cutest gloves that also work well for driving when the steering wheel is too hot to touch. And, as a modern twist, the pointer finger has a piece of fabric that works with touch-screens so you don’t have to take the glove off to swipe your phone.
We bought a package of four polka dot gloves—they’re cotton and affordable. Although, I think the black and the white gloves are the ones that seem to go with the most outfits. Many sellers offer these type of gloves, and it looks like they all got them from the same source. Check them out.
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Answer to fairy tale quotes: Jorinda and Joringel by Grimm. Did you guess correctly?
My grandmother bought me little gloves for Easter upon a couple of occasions. I liked the idea of them at the time, but I could never actually manage to keep them on for more than a few minutes.
I do appreciate the way some women wear hats, but I was always happy that I did not have to have that as a regular part of my wardrobe as many women did in the past.
I, too, like the idea of certain fashions more than I like the practicality of them in our modern lifestyles (all the beautiful ball gowns I have pinned on Pinterest, for example).