I’m participating in the Index Card a Day (ICAD) started by Daisy Yellow Art. It’s a creative challenge to:

Starting June 1, Create something on a 3×5″ index card every day for 61 days. On the back of each card, add a number to keep track of your progress. ICAD #1, #2, etc. Whatever day you start, it is your own official ICAD #1. Motto: You do not need to catch up, just start.

I’ve narrowed the “something” down to learning doodling techniques as a precursor to art journaling/Bible journaling.

This week, I’m going to tackle my lack of hand-lettering skills. While I was at the library today picking up a research book for my next novel, I snagged the book Hand Lettering: Simple, Creative Styles for Cards, Scrapbooks & More by Marci Donley & DeAnn Singh and started playing with letters.

(Note: I’m still checking in with Erin Leigh’s 31 Days of Scripture Art Journaling, but her Day 7 was using masking fluid, which I do not have, and Day 8 was about getting inspiration from others…one of which is Daisy Yellow Art, who started this ICAD challenge in the first place! We’ve come full circle. 🙂  And I really need to get a move on these lettering skills. Here we go:

Day 7: Push the Boundaries of Letters

icad 2015 7

Day 8: Alphabet 1

icad 2015 8

Day 9: Alphabet 2

(Taking the above alphabet and adding more lines and color)

icad 2015 9


Day 10: Adding design elements to the letters

icad 2015 10