Cinderella’s Dress Free on NetGalley

My 1940’s YA novel is up for reviews on NetGalley for a limited time. If you have a blog or like to review books on Amazon or Barnes and Noble, hop on over and request one: *Sorry, all the free copies have been claimed. Stay tuned for Blog Tour info for another...

A to Z Challenge Reflection Post

I found out about the A to Z Challenge mere days before it began. Should I do it? Why, Yes! Why wouldn’t I fall recklessly into a public challenge I’m quite unprepared for? My reason for taking the challenge: I’m trying to figure out what kind of...

N is for Nuts #atozchallenge

This has to be a short post today because I’ve got a quick turn around on some line edits from my editor. So, consider this a public service announcement for Blue Diamond Almonds Wasabi & Soy Sauce. My writer-friend Kitty Bucholtz introduced me to this...

Mom’s Marvelous Mushroom Soup

My mouth is watering just thinking about it: Ingredients 1/2 lb fresh mushrooms, sliced 1 onion, finely chopped 1 clove garlic,minced 1/4 tsp nutmeg 1/2 tsp dried tarragon 3 T butter 1/4 c flour 2 cans beef broth 1 c sour cream 1/2 c half & half 1/2 c evaporated...

L is for Lorikeet Forest #atozchallenge

Near Picacho Peak, just off Interstate 10 between Phoenix and Tucson, is the Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch (come back on day “O” and I’ll tell you about ostrich fishing!) This is a fun roadside attraction where you can feed a variety of animals,...

J is for Joke

What do you get when you cross a rabbit and a snake? A jump rope! Okay, you’re turn. Leave a joke in the comments (Rated G, please so I can pass them on to my kids.)