Writer in Residence

For the rest of July and August, I’ll be the writer in residence at the Mesa Public Library. I’ll be teaching four workshops and holding one-on-one appointments with other writers. I’ve added a tab to the menu above (one on one appointment) where you...

Favorite Podcasts for Writers

Let me introduce you to some podcasts for writers. Driving the kids around town, cooking dinner, suffering from insomnia…these are all great moments to redeem the time by learning more about the craft and business of writing. Here are some of my favorites. (If...

Go Teen Writers Guest Post

I’m over at Go Teen Writers this week talking about 5 Tips for Writing a Sequel. #giveaway! There is a signed and glittered copy of Cinderella’s Shoes up for grabs. Go Teen Writers is a great community of aspiring writers (teens and those of us a little...