My newsletter went out last night. If you are signed up and didn’t get it, it’s because your email bounced. You might want to add me to your approved list: “newsletter [at]” And if you haven’t signed up, what are you waiting for? The signup is over there on the sidebar. The newsletter comes out once a month and I give you exclusive behind-the-scenes content as well as recent YA buzz.
Today on the blog tour there is a review at Creating Serenity: “I would say if you’re curious get the book because it is different but don’t think fantasy, think historical WWII times with lots of dancing and men leaving their families and people worried about harboring Jews. Going into it with that mindset may have helped me.” LOL, well, you can’t please ’em all. Check out the rest of the review here:
And an interview where I talk about how I find vintage teen diaries for my research.