YNormally, I’m listening to advice on how to say “no.” Like most people, my life tends to fill up pretty quickly, and I find that I am running from one event to the next, or cramming too much work into too small a time frame. Can you relate?

But then opportunities arise that promise to stretch your boundaries, take you out of your comfort zone, and help you grow as a person. These are the opportunities I’m looking for this year. It’s why I started going to Toastmasters, so when the calls come for me to stand in front of a group and actually speak, I won’t chicken out, but will say YES, and be ready. (Just over a month until my book launch week with a launch party and a panel appearance at Phoenix Comicon!)

The A to Z Challenge falls into this category, too. Blog every day? Wha? Visit at least five other blogs? You mean be social? Yes and Yes.

How about you? Anything “stretching” you’ve said YES to lately?