first draft first printingI’m holding my breath because I am printing off the first draft of my new novel for the first time. This is a critical time in my new book baby’s life. It means I’ve finished plotting. (mostly) And I need to read through the book from beginning to end in one sitting to make sure it’s all there and I haven’t left a crucial piece tucked away in my head somewhere.

What will I be looking for?

  • PLOT HOLES (Yay, I get to plug these and add more words to the word count. I’m a short drafter and always have to flesh things out)
  • REPETITIONS (Uh, oh. This means I have to delete, delete, delete and lose words off that total count.)
  • COMPLETE STORY THREADS (Did I start a character thought, arc or idea, but never finish it?)
  • SETTING/TONE/1940s (I won’t look long at this, but be aware of it as I’m reading to make note where I need to go back and make the backdrop better, or do more historical research.)

I’m printing it out because it will help give me fresh eyes to see my words on paper instead of on a computer screen. Plus, I’ll be able to make notes, circle, cross off, add sticky notes etc right where they need to go.

My printer is working hard. The pages are stacking up….and it’s done. Breath out. Time to go read.