Lessons from Grimm: Magical Realism

Magical realism is a genre set in regular life, but where there is a little bit of magic. So, not a fairy tale land, where people know about fairies. Not a fantasy land where unicorns and dragons run free. But everyday, regular life where suddenly, something out of...

Lessons from Grimm: Settings

This week for our reading challenge, I was having trouble deciding which story to talk about. They were all so varied, yet interesting in their own rights. I looked for a commonality that I could talk about, and then realized I haven’t talked about setting yet!...

Lessons from Grimm: Wise Women

Several Grimm stories have mentioned wise women in terms that sound very much like fairy godmothers. Grimm’s Fairy tales: The Goose-Girl at the Well In this week’s story, The Goose-Girl at the Well, the old woman who is helping the banished princess is a wise...

Lessons From Grimm: Pourquoi Tales

Many of Grimm’s animal fairy tales are pourquoi tales (pourquoi is French for why). Pourquoi tales tell the origin story of how something in nature came to look or act the way it does. Grimm’s Fairy tales: The Sole Now available in print and ebook. In last...

Lessons from Grimm: Forest Dwellings

It’s night, you’re tired and hungry, and you see a light coming from a hut in the forest. Do you go in? If you are a fairy tale character, of course you go in! Why wouldn’t you seek lodging with a stranger living deep in the woods? It worked out well for Snow White…...